Sunday 5 February 2012

Guess where I’ll be in a week’s time?

Well in a week’s time hopefully I’ll be on a British Airways flight leaving Heathrow heading for Lusaka Airport in Zambia – subject to that good old British weather. Almost a third of flights out of Heathrow have been cancelled this weekend due to that white stuff – but it could be worse, remember Christmas and New Year of 2010/11…..
Hard to imagine that this time next week I’ll (hopefully) be experiencing temperatures of around 22°C – albeit Zambia will be in the middle of its rainy season – but as home is Wales, that shouldn’t cause too much of a problem. At least the rain should be warm rain!
We’ve also had a draft itinerary through for the trip – which, although it may change, seems full of potentially amazing experiences.

Monday 13 Feb
Arrive in Lusaka
WaterAid Zambia briefing
Travel to Monze
Tuesday 14 Feb
Travel to Haboombe Village (Moomba ward) and spend the day with local families.
This is a rural community that has had no intervention, the women and children spend their mornings collecting water from a nearby stream which is used for both domestic usage and animal watering
Wednesday 15 Feb
Spend the day in Chipembele ward – which is a rural community that has benefited from intervention – attaining 100% toilet coverage at household level in 2008.
Opportunity to visit Chiyoobola School to see the toilets constructed and the benefits that have been realised from the support given.
Spend time at Mavwali village which has benefited from a water point and all the households have put up toilets.
Thursday 16 Feb
Travel to Batoka – which is peri urban area that has benefited from the water utility installing water tanks and treatment house.
Also visit Silmi in Hatontal ward, which is a village that is benefiting from early intervention – construction of household sanitation
Friday 17 Feb
Travel to Chisekeshi  - an urban area which has benefited from water and sanitation intervention. The village now has the benefit of a solar powered water supply.
Move on to Mozoka – an urban settlement that hasn’t yet benefited from intervention.
Saturday 18 Feb
Travel back to Lusaka – 3 hours by road and then visit the Ngombe settlement which is a high density slum area in the capital city
Sunday 19 February
Debriefing with WaterAid Zambia Team
Monday 20 February
Return home


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