Tuesday 24 January 2012

18 days to go and counting

“All my bags are packed – I’m ready to go” or so it says in the opening line of John Denver’s 1966 well-known hit “I’m leaving on a jet plane”. Well actually the former part of this isn’t strictly true but I must admit that I’ve never been so organised for a trip – ever! (I may regret saying that...)

I can hardly believe that it’s only been a couple of months since I found out I’d be fortunate in being selected as Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water’s representative on WaterAid’s 2012 Supporters’ Trip – and that we are going to Zambia. A country I must admit I was probably only aware of because of things like the Zambezi River, David Livingstone and one of the most awesome natural spectacles on the planet – Victoria Falls. However once I’d got over my initial excited (sorry Oliver, Vanessa and Mary!!) I’ve mangaged to:

  • Get all my jabs updated
  • Sort maleria tablets out
  • Complete all the paperwork WaterAid needed – and send it in on time
  • Be declared “fit to travel” by Interhealth – an amazing achievement
  • Read the fantastic briefing document from WaterAid about the trip
  • Attend the WaterAid briefing meeting and meet all the other people who will be on the trip
  • And buy a whole host of things like immodium (yuck), rehydration salts, antihistamines, insect and mosquito repellent, travel wash – the list goes on and on....

Will there be room in the bag for anything else?

During the eight days we’ll be spending in Zambia with WaterAid we will be seeing first hand some of the work they (WaterAid) do to improve access to safe water and sanitation in some of the world’s poorest communities.

At the moment I only know that we’ll be flying into Lusaka (Zambia’s capital) on Monday 13 February and then travelling down to Monze. Hopefully we’ll be spending time in a number of communities where access to safe water and sanitiation is none existent – and really getting an understanding of how it’s like to live without all those things that most of us here in the UK take for granted.

If you’d like to learn more about the work WaterAid does – and how you could help and support please visit their website – www.wateraid.org

If you’d like to learn more about Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water please visit our website – www.dwrcymru.com